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Journal “Uzbek Journal of Physics”

A founder of the research journal “Uzbek Journal of Physics” is the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The journal has been regularly published since 1957 and  re-registered on 22 December, 2006 by Information Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Certificate number is No. 0044). (ISSN 1025-8817 for printed edition, ISSN 2181-077X for electronic edition).

The journal “Uzbek Journal of Physics”  is the only specialized journal in the field of physics in the Republic of Uzbekistan and covers all major areas of research and developments in various fields of physics:

01 Theoretical and Mathematical Physics. Modeling of physical processes. (Managing  editors are Professor Abdullaev F.Kh. and Academician Musakhanov M.M.)

02 Condensed Matter Physics. Nanophysics and Nanotechnology.

(Managing  editors are Professor Tashmetov M.Yu. and Professor Ibragimova E.M.)

03 Physical Electronics and Plasma Physics. (Managing editor is Professor Ashurov Kh.B.)

04 Atomic and Nuclear Physics, Physics of Elementary Particles. (Managing  editor is Academician Yuldashev B.S.)

05 Optics and Spectroscopy. Laser Physics. Nonlinear Optics. (Managing editor is Academician Bakhramov S.A.)

06 Molecular Physics and Thermal Physics. (Managing  editor is Professor Mirzaev S.Z.)

07 Biophysics and Medical Physics. Chemical Physics. (Managing editor is  Professor Oksendgendler B.L.)

08 Materials Science. (Managing  editor is Professor Kurbanov M.Sh.)

09 Astronomy. Astrophysics and Cosmology. (Managing editor is Professor Ahmedov B.J.)

Language: Russian, English and Uzbek

The goal and objectives of the journal is to provide a wide range of researchers, specialists, masters and doctoral students of research institutes and universities with information on recent developments, achievements and news in the field of physics.

Specialty. Original scientific papers in the field of physics are published in the journal.

Unique features of the journal. The journal covers all the basic areas of research in physics.

Special issues devoted to international and republican symposiums and conferences held on the basis of research institutes in the Republic are also  published.

Regions of distribution. The journal is distributed by the Ion-Plasma and Laser Technologies and delivered to subscribers only. The  journal is indexed by WorldCat, elibrary.ru, the JINR Scientific and Technical Library, the German National Library Technischer Informations bibliothek (TIB), the Internet Open Access Catalog (OPAC), the International Nuclear Information System (INIS).

Sources of funding are off-budget funds and by subscription in the Republic.


Bobomurat Juraevich Ahmedov

Date of Birth: 04 June 1963

Place of birth: Samarkand

Directions: Physics and Mathematics


Affiliation and position: Head of the laboratory of the Ulugh Beg Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan (from 2016 till now)

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor

Scientist specialized in the field of relativistic astrophysics and theoretical physics.

Graduated from the Samarkand State University in 1985.

Ahmedov has been elected as Fellow of The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), Trieste, Italy in 2018. He has published about 150 papers in the high impact factor refereed journals,  3 books as author/co-author and two  issues of the journal by the Springer  as co-editor. He has received a number of awards, including "The Researcher of the Year 2018" in Uzbekistan, awarded by Scopus database,  “Science Leader” Web of Science award - 2017, selection by the Clarivate Analytics Web of Science as the  "Highly  Cited Author"; Uzbekistan State Order “Mehnat Shuhrati” in Year 2012; Award of The World Academy of Sciences for Young Scientists in Physics in Year 2001; Award of Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences for Young Scientists in Physics in Year 1996.



100125, Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Durmon Yuli street 33


(+998-71) 262-31-69


(+998-71) 262-32-54


ufj@iplt.uz, umarova_inp@mail.ru




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